Factors That Affect Your Concrete Cost in Wollongong

concrete cost wollongong

Many homeowners are blown away when they get charged for their concrete at the end of a job. They only take into account the cubic metre cost and don’t realise that their concrete supplier has a variety of additional fees and charges over and above this.

For instance, a delivery distance will incur an extra cost of around $9 per mile. And if you order less than a truckload of concrete, you will be charged a short load fee that averages around $43 per cubic yard.

Cost of Materials

Many people factor in the cost of concrete per cubic metre, when they should be considering a variety of other factors that can dramatically affect pricing. This includes concrete preparation and installation costs, which can vary widely between contractors and regions.

There are different types of concrete mix that have varied prices, based on their strength in pounds per square inch (PSI). Higher PSI mixes are more expensive than lower ones. A weight-bearing concrete slab, like a driveway or home foundation, should be poured with a high-PSI mix.

Concrete companies charge waiting time, or standing time, for every minute the truck is on site. This covers labour and diesel overheads. On average, this costs about $3.00 to $3.50 per minute. This is a hidden cost that makes customers very irate when they are charged for this expense at the end of their job.

Cost of Labour

Concrete companies have labour overheads such as hourly rates, superannuation and training that need to be paid. They also have to pay their concrete truck delivery drivers time and a half for working beyond an eight hour day, especially on weekends.

When concreting a footpath or driveway, the concreters have to clear and prepare the site. They may need to dig down and remove trees, break up existing concrete or lay drainage.

Concreting can also be a messy process. Having the correct equipment such as a bull float, shovel or trowel is important for getting a quality finished product. Concreters also have to take into account the aggregate size. While 20 mm is standard, some builders and concreters will use smaller aggregates like 10 mm or 7 mm to make their concrete lighter to work with.

Plant Opening Fees

Concrete suppliers pay their staff under transport awards that ensure overtime is paid when they work outside of an eight hour day. This includes truck drivers, batchers, and call centre staff. For this reason, they are often charged a fee for opening the plant out of regular trading hours for your concrete delivery. This is also known as waiting time and varies from supplier to supplier.

Any change or cancellation of a scheduled concrete pour must be made prior to 5 PM the day before the pour or a Cancellation Charge will apply. This is to cover the expenses incurred for the first RMTO and the Plant Manager. This is to protect the company against unforeseen expenses. Excessive water added to concrete during mixing can result in loss of strength and workability.

Small Load Fees

Concrete companies charge small load fees for running a concrete truck that is not full. This typically costs between $43 and $53 per cubic yard of concrete. If you only need a few cubic yards, you can piggyback on to a larger load, which may cost less.

Many concrete companies also pay their staff under transport awards, meaning that they get overtime when working over and above an eight hour day. If your concrete is delivered at a time of the day where they have to work on overtime, this will add to your cost.

Some concrete companies sell ultra high performance concrete (UHPC), which is more expensive than modern concrete and can only be poured in certain situations. This type of concrete is usually used in structural rehabilitation and bridge construction.

Overtime Fees

Concrete is a construction material that can be used to build foundation slabs, sidewalks, driveways, and other structures. Mixing concrete by hand can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, so many contractors hire a concrete mixer truck to help them get the job done quickly and efficiently.

A concrete mixer truck costs between $200 and $400 per hour, including GST. A concrete truck price varies by region and market, so be sure to ask about any additional fees that may apply.

Some concrete plants charge extra distance fees if the job site is located outside their geographical limit. Small load fees are also charged for concrete that is delivered less than a full truckload. These fees cover labour, diesel refuel, and other operational costs. These fees vary from concrete supplier to concrete supplier.

from Concreters Wollongong Experts https://ift.tt/iPdT8cE


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